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‘It is time to think in a systematic way about what we want the NHS to do. Its current state is a sign that we are asking for too much from it given how it is structured and run at the moment. Unless there is change, these pressures will continue.’

In her REAL Challenge lecture, Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, argues that addressing and improving productivity is essential to securing the future of the NHS. Looking ahead to the 100th anniversary of the NHS and applying her experience as an economist, she considers the organisational and cultural changes needed to meet the challenges facing the health service.

The unsustainable is not sustained explores four areas key to improving productivity: investment, digitisation, demand management and reconsidering the private–public boundary, and concludes that fundamental process re-engineering is essential for the NHS.

The REAL Centre invited Diane to deliver the 2022 REAL Challenge lecture to generate fresh ideas and debate. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of the REAL Centre or the Health Foundation.

Cite this publication

Coyle D. The unsustainable is not sustained: why productivity is fundamental to the future of the NHS. The Health Foundation; 2023 (www.health.org.uk/publications/the-unsustainable-is-not-sustained-productivity-future-NHS).

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