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Dr Stephen Drage Chief of Safety and Quality (Deputy Medical Director) and Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine

Organisation: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

  • GenerationQ
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About me

Stephen is a GenerationQ Fellow and Chief of Safety and Quality (Deputy Medical Director) and Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Previously at the trust he has also held the positions of Clinical Lead for Organ Donation, Divisional Chief of Safety for Medicine and Unscheduled Care, and Lead Consultant for Intensive Care Research.

His position as Chief of Safety and Quality involves providing the clinically-led vision and trust-wide leadership for improving the safety and quality of services. He also reports to the trust board on the governance system, emerging trends in safety and quality data, and concerns arising from incidents. He leads the development of an overarching safety and quality strategy.

Through GenerationQ, Stephen is keen to explore the four leadership domains and to learn how these could improve his ability to lead and effect change: ‘The programme will give me the tools to deliver the required programme of change in my organisation. It will give me a network of like-minded individuals for support and advice, and the confidence and resilience to take difficult decisions and cope when things don’t go as expected.’

Stephen’s ambition is to lead the delivery of safe, high-quality and compassionate care. To help achieve this, he is developing a strategy based on key questions posed by patients: ‘In attempting to answer questions such as “how can I be sure I will not be harmed by the care I receive?”, we can celebrate what we do well and demonstrate any gaps.’

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