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Public perceptions of health and social care (November 2023) The fifth wave of results from our programme of UK-wide public polling delivered in partnership with Ipsos

May 2024

About 1 mins to read
Public perceptions of health and social care polling

Key points

  • This slide deck presents the findings from the fifth wave of our programme of polling conducted between 23 and 29 November 2023, with a total of 2,301 responses from people aged 16 and older across the UK.

The results show:

  • There is still strong support for all of the NHS’s founding principles, though fewer members of the public think that services should be comprehensive and available to everyone than in 2022.
  • If the NHS budget is not increased, the public lean towards wanting the government to prioritise making it easier to access community-based services such as a GP and NHS dentist rather than care in hospitals including A&E and planned procedures.
  • The public remains negative about standards of care in the NHS, though they are less pessimistic about changes to standards in the past year than previously, and are more positive about the service that their local NHS is providing.
  • The public's favoured option on funding is to increase taxes in order to maintain the level of spending needed to keep the current level of care and services provided by the NHS.
  • The public think social care workers are paid too little and support various measures to increase pay, though they think the current funding approach for social care is unfair.
  • Increases to the cost of living are impacting some of the public's activities, most notably them keeping their homes at a comfortable temperature.
  • The public tend to think the government has the most responsibility for reducing harm from air pollution, food poverty-related harms and fuel poverty, yet the large majority don’t think it is effectively reducing these harms.

Since 2021, The Health Foundation has partnered with Ipsos to deliver a programme of research into public perceptions and expectations of health and social care. Every 6 months, we poll a representative sample of the UK public using the UK KnowledgePanel – Ipsos’ random probability online panel – building on our previous work on this topic.

This slide deck presents the findings based on the fifth wave of our programme of polling. 

Our new briefing summarises the findings from this polling alongside the findings from deliberative research with the public about the future of the NHS in England, both conducted by Ipsos in Autumn 2023. The report identifies implications for the government that will shape the policy agenda after the upcoming election.

About the survey

Our latest wave surveyed a representative sample of 2,301 UK adults aged 16 and over between 23-29 November 2023 online via the Ipsos UK Knowledge Panel.  The sample was stratified by nation and education and delivered a response rate of 54%. A weighting spec was applied to the data in line with the target sample profile; this included one which corrected for unequal probabilities of selection of household members (to account for two members who may have been selected from one household), and weights for region, an interlocked variable of Gender by Age, Education, Ethnicity, Index of Multiple Deprivation (quintiles), and number of adults in the household.   

Cite this publication

Public perceptions of health and social care (November 2023). The Health Foundation; 2024 (health.org.uk/publications/reports/public-views-on-the-future-of-the-nhs-in-england)

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