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Dr Dimple Vyas

Dimple is a Quality Improvement Fellow and Consultant Anaesthetist at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.


Annie Topping

Annie is a Leaders for Change Fellow and Strategic Lead for Chief Nursing Officer Ethnic Minorities Action Plan at NHS England and NHS Improvement.


Dr Rachael Smithson

Rachael is a Harkness Fellow and Director of Innovation and Research - Transformation and Digital at Gold Coast Health.

Dr Vivek Srivastava

Vivek is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow and Consultant Physician at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, and a non-Executive Director at Portsmouth Hospitals University.


Dr Kerstin Oestreich

Kerstin is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow and Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon at Birmingham Children's Hospital.


Jon Willis

Jon is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow and Ward Manager, Inpatient Unit at Dorothy House Hospice.


Dr Peter Lachman

Peter is a Quality Improvement Fellow and Lead Faculty Quality Improvement at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.

Peter Lachman

Harriet Hunter

Harriet is a GenerationQ Fellow and Head of Organisational Development, Leadership and Learning at the Scottish Government.


Dr Ed Nicol

Ed is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow and Deputy Lead for the Armed Forces at the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Leadership at Keele University.