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Housing quality
The quality or condition of a home is one of the more direct ways in which housing can affect health


The quality or condition of a home is one of the more direct ways in which housing can affect health: a home could be cold or hard to heat, contain hazards such as fall risks or faulty wiring, or be damp and mouldy.

Studies have linked damp to a number of health problems, including respiratory issues, physical pain and headaches, particularly affecting children. At the most extreme we have recently seen tragedies like the deaths of Awaab Ishak and Barbara Bolton that could have been avoided if housing policy took health more seriously.

Quality and condition can also include the suitability of the home, such as whether it would be considered overcrowded for the household living there. Less obvious aspects include whether the home has access to a garden or outside space, an issue brought to the fore during the first COVID-19 lockdown.

The charts in this section explore the relationship between housing quality and health, as well as trends and inequalities in housing quality.

Explore other subtopics within Housing
Housing affordability
This relates to the financial pressure caused by housing costs – both for housing itself and for utilities and maintenance
Housing stability and security
This relates to how much control people have over how long they live in their homes, and how secure they feel
Multiple housing problems
This relates to the ways in which problems with housing quality, security and affordability often coexist

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Health inequalities

Money and resources
Poverty | Income | Debt

Quality | Unemployment | Security

Affordability | Quality | Stability | Security

Active travel | Social exclusion | Trends

Family, friends and community
Personal relationships | Community cohesion

Our surroundings
Pollution | Green space | Safety | Amenities

This is part of Evidence hub: What drives health inequalities?

Data, insights and analysis exploring how the circumstances in which we live shape our health